The role of educational charity in human development cannot be overemphasised. Educational charity is not only the non profit making effort by governments, development partners and charity organisations, aimed at helping the poor or the less privileged to be adequately informed of the possible threats to life and continued survival within their immediate environment, but also those concerted efforts by such groups aimed at affording the underprivileged the needed opportunity to acquire the needed information, knowledge and skills to deal appropriately with those life threatening conditions so as to make at a least a minimum decent living and contribute meaningfully to development in general.
However, the key aspect of the above concept in human development intervention approach models, especially within the local circles, deals mainly with basic education for the children of the world poor, productive training and skill acquisition for underprivileged youths and women, including campaigns for awareness creation on certain topical issues of concern to the affected population, e.g. in matters of HIV and related and similar problems.
There are three most ever present problems that threaten the survival of the poor and the less privileged populations of the world where charity is needed most. They include poverty, hunger and disease. However, these three possible most threatening conditions do not arise without a cause or causes. Illiteracy and ignorance have been identified as the greatest cause of poverty, leading to hunger and disease. As a matter of fact, much resources has gone down in the global fight against poverty and disease in terms of charity and intervention by diverse groups and governments of the world, yet it remains evident that unless the problem of illiteracy among the poor circles of the world is complete and adequately addressed, the world must be ready spend hugely on charity to the poor, especially in the fight against poverty, hunger and disease.
In the most immediate moment, world bodies and the rich nations have changed the initial global target of poverty reduction to poverty eradication. Various measures, model approaches and instruments and mechanisms have been put in an effort to actual this single most important ambition. However, evidences indicate that unless education takes the centre stage in our charity and intervention measures, achieving the expected result of having poverty, hunger and disease completely wiped out to barest minimum among the poor will definitely prove difficult if not almost impossible. This explains the vital role and strategic place of educational charity in our world today