Sunday, January 30, 2011

Molding Your Teens

Are you having sleeping problems lately thinking about your child's future? Are you one of the many parents who are having problems with their teenagers? It is absolutely a fact that two out of ten teenagers go through a stage that we call storm of problems but with proper guidance, these kids will surpass all these struggles in life. Is it possible for kids not to experience problems in life? Nope, but it is possible that a teenager may not turn to drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex and even suicide when problems hit his life. How do you do this? Proper guidance and quality time spent by parents to their children will be of great help. It may sound corny or mushy but young men also need love and affection from their parents. They are also humans who crave companionship as well as an understanding ear from their parents.
Aside from spending quality time with your teenagers, you should inculcate in his young mind the boundaries of right from wrong. It would be better for the kid to know his limitations, and to know that everything here on earth may be permissible, and not everything is beneficial to him. That is why, at an early age, it is better that you introduce to him to productive ways on how to spend his time.
1. Coin collection- if your child is the introvert type, then you introduce to him the art of coin collection rather than he will spend the time lock up in his room talking. This will open up his eyes about the history of economy. You can start by searching online on how to begin a coin collection, and share it with him. Anyway, it is not hard to start a coin collection these days because one can already purchase genuine old coins such as the 1878 Morgan Silver Dollar.

At What Age Can I Start Dating

Dating is the first of the pre-marriage relationships. The other stages are courtship and engagement. It simply means meeting, appointment, going out with someone or seeing someone with the objective of learning relationship skills or socialization and building a relationship. The age at which someone starts dating helps to determine which dating objective is in focus. The ultimate objective of dating is to find a courtship partner or would be spouse.
At what age one can start dating has become a thorny issue. Among the advanced climes of the world, dating is incorporated in the growing up of people.

Yoga For Children

The philosophy and practices of classical Yoga are for application by adults and it can be anticipated that parents will naturally transmit appropriate information to their children.
However as Yoga offers a total education ranging from physical culture to mind training and spiritual awareness it is understandable that there are many aspects which can be contributed by the professional Yoga teacher and used to complement present educational systems that are found wanting. To help towards this end I dedicated many years pioneering in this field. In many parts of the world where I have travelled and presented ideas and techniques designed to adapt classical yoga teachings for children they have been enthusiastically received, serving to attract more teachers to this particular specialization.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Challenges in Education in Today's Society - Globalization and Changes in Education

Recent investigations in the study of demographical trends at global level are currently making light on a very controversial aspect, although ignored by global institutions, like O.N.U., U.N.D.P., G 20, same by organizations with attributions in the educational field (as UNESCO, Youth International Authorities and other). The so-called "demographic winter" phenomenon, which reveals the dramatic consequences of the "modern" life, marked by familial and moral decline, by miscarriage, vulgarization and the homosexuality "normalization", by the poisoning influence of the majority of mass-media and the "Hollywood culture" are inoculating egocentrism, frivolity and irresponsibility. Considering this demographical trend offers a new dimension to the way in which abundance and resource of the world are distributed and also gives a new vision on elementary educational issues.

Character Education For Kids is Very Important - Moral Education For Modern Day Children

Why Character Education for kids is so Important?
There has been a shortage of character education in schools and this is becoming more evident from the increase in the crime rate and violent incidents taking place all over the world. Studies those have been made in different countries and the subsequent research done by experts and NGOs go on to show that there is a dramatic "moral decline" in the western world including America and Western Europe as well as Australia.

Much of these destructive trends are a direct result of the modern day social ideologies and thought processes that perpetuate self-indulgence and gratification of ones own being. Modern day thought processes deeply believe in the statistical data and is therefore obsessed with the massive growth in the mass media, the online world and the social networking sites like Face book, Orkut, Twitter etc. Modern day kids often try and look for solving their problems on the net which results in utmost confusion and wrongful decision making by them.

Retransforming the Education System

There are certain set of moral values and traditional beliefs that are passed on from older generations to newer generations. These values and belief now however are falling short of the latest trends in the education system. We all now that change is inevitable. Based on this theory the education system also needs to undergo tremendous change so that it can cope up with the fast changing times. The old standards of reading, writing and learning have to be left behind in order to put new methodologies to use. The world today is a global village and the education system of today revolves around this thought.
The subjects whether related to academic topics or with social concerns are being talked about at international level and not at national or regional level. The schools today are not teaching the lessons of patriotism. No one wants to limit their child's thought to the borders of a country. The teachers of today teach the lesson of unity in diversity. Instead of teaching "God bless America" teachers are emphasizing on "We are the world". The lessons that even give a single hint of racism or traditionalism have been chucked out of the text books. The text books have lessons which are compatible with the whole world. The social issues also are related with issues like global warming and other environmental issues.

The Moral Education of Children

Many parents are concerned about laying a good foundation for their children that they might grow to become moral, responsible adults. In part, parents often rely on Sunday school or other types of religious education to help convey the message of morality. In raising moral children, there are a few points that bear remembering.
First, child rearing is a developmental endeavor. That implies that children progress through moral stages and understandings at a certain (variable) pace. There is little evidence that children can be hurried along the developmental journey. There is a developmental track for moral development, social development, and cognitive development. All areas of development come into play in our efforts to raise moral children. Jean Piaget, the famous developmentalist, reminds us that young children have not yet arrived at the stage of formal, symbolic thought.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sex Education: Its Importance and Need in the Society

Sex Education, as the term clearly indicates, refers to education which is based on human sexual behavior. Parents, schools or caretakers offer it in some parts of the world to educate the children, who are stepping into their adolescence. If formally received, sex education is either taught as a full course at high school or junior high school level or in biology, health, home economics classes. Teaching sex education is rather a controversial issue; debates have been going on for several decades discussing if it should be taught formally in schools or not. Sex education in schools should exist without any doubts and apprehensions as it offers many benefits.

Home Education - Criticisms, Conformity and the Real World

Home education families and advocates are often criticized for isolating children and sheltering them from the 'real world'. Rare examples of children who have difficulty acclimating to a school environment after having formerly been home educated are used as fodder by critics in an attempt to prove that home education is faulty. Two main points are always raised, that the children are not given exposure to the 'real world' and that they are not properly socialized. I'd like to address these misunderstandings.
It is important that we first understand that the purpose of the modern government school system is indoctrination. This indoctrination process is performed using three main principles: Conformity, Training and Socialization. Once we understand this, we can begin to understand the weakness in the most popular Home Education criticisms.

The Effects of Television on Children - A Summary

Today television has become a very important part of our daily lives, but particularly so in the lives of our children. As we are aware, these days the greater majority of families, in many parts of the world, have (or have access to) this magical screen.
Television is a very powerful and effective modern phenomena which can influence the shaping of the future for many generations of children in many parts of the world.
Children imitate the action, the spoken word and/or the personality they may happen to be watching, therefore, its influence cannot be underestimated, regardless of the circumstances which the child may happen to be in. This influence can be categorised as either 'good' or 'bad' for the future development of these children.
Parents and guardians have a major role to play in deciding what channel or program their child can watch, for how long and what part of the day. All these factors are important in deciding the shape of a child's future within any environment.

School-Based Mental Health

School-based mental health services are sorely needed to deal with mental health issues that are often barriers to learning. Such services need to be a critical component in schools to combat barriers to academic success. Unfortunately, schools are often poorly equipped to deal with such problems. Because states tend to bundle educational and mental health services, funds are directed primarily toward education and not treatment. In many school districts communities are also lacking in emotional support services and families do not have the means to purchase needed medical insurance to support outside treatment. Transportation to mental health clinics may not be available. Parents are often reluctant to send their children out of district to such centers. School psychologists are overloaded with assessment responsibilities while school counselors deal mostly with classroom problems, college applications, and day-to-day crises. Additional services from trained psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists are badly needed to treat emotional problems and for prevention of future problems.

Change Your Child's Life With Twenty Successful Educational Strategies

Parents are always looking for a better way to assist with the education of their children. To motivate children, parents must first be motivated to help their children learn. The strategies provided in this article are a good beginning to ensure that children successfully navigate the education system.
1. Reading- Parents should start reading to their children at a very early age. Reading should be encouraged at all times. Children should have a library card and visit books stores on a regular schedule. Parents can have children memorize a poem or a small speech to help keep their minds sharp and ready for reading.
2. Math -Children should be taught at a young age that math is a very important subject. Parents should verbally ask math questions (mental math) with their children whenever possible. Questions can be addition, subtraction or multiple computations. Answers should also verbal. Start with small math problems. Children should also be allowed to participate in real life math problems such as: buying articles or food at a store on their own, weighting fruits and vegetables at the market and measuring things in the kitchen.

Education Options for Children With Special Needs

A child with special needs and learning disabilities is someone who is different developmentally and formatively from normal children. This is either due to a physical, mental, or emotional handicap, a formative delay, or a particular learning disability.
Nowadays, a lot of educational allowances are accessible to families in order to assist them with the extraordinary costs of giving special educational or related services to children with special needs. This, very often could include a very gifted child with certain physical and mental disabilities.
Assessment of developmental problems
Kids with developmental problems are entitled to educational evaluations as part of the medical clearance process. No sooner has it been suspected than parents ought to describe the child's developmental problems on their medical history form.
This is so that evaluation and treatment plans of the childs educational needs may be devised early in the child's life. Experts, with special education degrees, in the field emphasize the importance of early intervention.
Children with learning problems ought not to be considered abnormal. They just have a different way for handling information. The solution lies in parents and teachers finding out what the childs processing system is as it helps the kids compensate with their strengths. Since developmental problems affect several aspects of a child's physical and psychological health, oftentimes the assessments are extensive.
The assessment of a child having trouble in school could include an educational evaluation as well as the special needs of a child such as speech, hearing, and neurological examinations, plus a series of psychiatric interviews.
Processing a childs developmental problem
If developmental problem is suspected when parents are abroad, the family should have the child examined by a Regional Medical Officer, Regional Psychiatrist, or Nurse Practitioner. Parents also ought to get written reports from a school so that the problem can be fully understood.
It is unlikely that a full assessment will be completed immediately. The complications of the issues often call for a multi-specialty approach. This is why evaluations are usually done. However, a medical evacuation is not normally required.
After the assessment is done, the child will be cleared to return to post. Then the school at post will have the benefit of the childs specific educational recommendations in trying to develop a program for the child. However, before the child is cleared for an onward post, a letter from the proposed new school will is required.
When making a clearance decision for the child, assessors and the Medical Division often consider the appropriateness of boarding school placement or home study options or online special education courses.

Educating Our Children on How to Be Financially Successful in Life

According to the Internal Revenue Service, only 5% of all individuals who file an income tax return make $150,000 or more per year. That works out to approximately 7.5 million individual tax filers. This 5% group is responsible for paying the majority of the personal income tax the IRS receives each year. This is also the group that has adequate retirement savings, six months worth of monthly income savings for emergencies, little to no debt, college costs funded for their children and/or grandchildren, take nice vacations, have significant home equity in their modest to above average homes, good health insurance coverage and adequate life insurance in the event of death. It is this 5% that many in America call the rich.
To most Americans, rich people keep getting richer. That is a factual truth. But put your petty emotions aside for a moment (jealousy/ envy) and ask yourself this question: What is it that these rich families are doing that sets them apart from the rest of America? There is a reason why wealthy families beget wealthy children and a reason why this cycle of wealth continues from one generation to the next. And it's not just about inheritance, although that admittedly does help. Wealthy families live and pass along to their children something that I call Rich Habits. Rich Habits are the daily good habits of wealthy people. These Rich Habits are used to accumulate wealth and are taught to their children at a very young age fostering a pattern of daily living that they in turn pass along to the next generation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mari Kita Membaca, a worthy cause

Philanthropic giving is a big thing in the USA, a cottage industry almost. About 2 out of every 3 American households gives to charity annually -- it's not something that just Bill Gates and Warren Buffett do. Unfortunately, not many communities outside the US have yet developed a similar culture of giving. If you're interested in doing something for charity though, some friends recently founded Mari Kita Membaca, a charity which gives books to libraries and pre-schools in isolated Orang Asli villages. One of them wrote to me explaining the project:

We started just a few months ago and in a nutshell, we fundraise to send books to orang asli villages which already have community learning centers. We screen and select villages that we think will benefit the most out of getting the books and after consultation with local teachers, we help them buy the books that would assist them in their curriculum. It's not a very big operation, but we do what we can. We have a pretty quick turnover of our cash, and 100% of it goes towards buying the books and any delivery expenses.

It's definitely a worthy cause, and if you're interested in helping or finding out more, check out the Mari Kita Membaca website:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Educational Games - Learning To Improve Kids Educational Skills

Do you know a great way how to help student learn while having fun so that kids get excited? I think you can try to looking for educational games to help your kids. We know that kids learn in a variety of ways whether kinesthetic, visual or auditory learners so every kids learns as much as possible, in the way that works best for them in order to optimize learning.
You can get educational games for kids in everywhere. You get start from real life board games that can be easily bought or accessed in Department stores. Department stores have toy section where you can find tons of educational games such as scrabble and chess.

Gymnastics is Best For Physical and Mental Health

Gymnastics is like exercising to make your body healthy and fit. In schools the physical education is taught as a subject and it is a good thing that students not only have their mental education in schools but also the physical education. Because physical education can be good for many things like it is good for health and brain, it helps a person to face the realities of the life and also it is good for grooming the personality.
Here are some simple tips and you can also do gymnastics at your home by applying them. For practicing the gymnastic it is better that you do it in grassy area and in fresh place. Otherwise, if you prefer indoor practice, there needs to be enough space in your room that you can move easily here and there.
One of the gymnastic that is easy to do at home is the head stand. In head stand you have to stand on head. In the beginning you would feel uncomfortable while doing it. But you only have to place a pillow on your exercise mat against the wall and keep your head on it and pull up your legs straight against the wall. This gymnastic is good for brain and the circulation of the blood becomes normal while doing it. And with some practice if you feel comfortable with it then just try to move away from the wall.
The other gymnastic you can do is the cartwheel. Cartwheel is difficult to do. But with lot more practice you can do it easily. It depends on the hand which you use in your normal life like some are left-handed and some are right-handed. Just stand with your legs and shoulders wide apart then put your hands above the head. Try to lean slightly towards your left side then try to use that energy to propel your right hand to the ground. When your head is near the ground, first bring your left leg in a swirl position and then the right leg into a handstand position.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 Ways Your Mental Attitude Affects Your Success

The mental attitude or the mindset you have can affect the outcome of just about everything you do. With even more certainty it can be said that the amount of effort you put into anything is in proportion to the mindset you bring to the task. As they say attitude is everything and it can either make things easier for you or put them out of your reach. Being successful is closely tied to what your attitude may be at any given point in time.
These mindsets that have such a great influence over our lives can either result from personal experiences or from conditioning. In other words your attitude can either be developed from an experience or be a belief passed along to you at an early age.

Monday, January 3, 2011

10 Challenges within the Educational System

1. There's always one answer to a question
Throughout the process of partaking in systematized educational institutions, there's always a criterion that applies to all the taught knowledge - That there's an answer and it is absolute. Math shares the strongest characteristic of ability to freely choose how one goes about to arrive at the answer. Grammar rules have exceptions, but exceptions are also a form of indisputable truth. This does not mean that the questions, answers and methodologies change. They change to new answers that once again follow the criterion. Granted, they also change at a futilely slow rate.
More importantly, the education would contain questions that are without definite, objectively true answers, but several different ones that make sense depending on the student's subjective perspective. Why is this of importance? The students get programmed that these questions are irrelevant since they are not spoken of. Accordingly, they have trouble living a life guided by personal values, ethics and patterns that correlate with each person's own, innate orientation. The challenge is simply to allow and present more answers to young aspirants of life so that they know of more answers to choose from, that they previously did not know existed. Therefore, it may sometimes be far more important to question where an answer derives from, instead of how to reach it.

Shortfalls of Sex Education

Two people copulating without any knowledge of mind and body are as useful to each other as uncooked ham and eggs to a hungry customer in a diner or restaurant. Basically sex is not about the merging of two parts but the glorification of two unique individuals with so much power between them a whole new world could be presented if they only knew how to unleash it. Everything starts in the mind is complimented by the spirit and utilized or implemented by the members of the body. If you educate the mind you automatically enlighten the body.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Using Action Research To Change The Future Of Education

Learning in online environments is no longer a new idea. Around the world, in classrooms and in homes children and adults of all ages are learning in both structured and non-structured environments online. People from three to 73 are successful online learners. People who predict disruptive innovations have said that by the year 2025 over 50% of all the education in the world will be done through computers.

The Role of Educational Charity

The role of educational charity in human development cannot be overemphasised. Educational charity is not only the non profit making effort by governments, development partners and charity organisations, aimed at helping the poor or the less privileged to be adequately informed of the possible threats to life and continued survival within their immediate environment, but also those concerted efforts by such groups aimed at affording the underprivileged the needed opportunity to acquire the needed information, knowledge and skills to deal appropriately with those life threatening conditions so as to make at a least a minimum decent living and contribute meaningfully to development in general.

The Face of Education Today

What does education look like today? Does it match what is expected in the real world?
"We are so trapped in the memory of what school was like for us. When we were students, the world outside of school looked like the world inside of school. Now, it does not. The paper based system does not make any sense to kids who are coming up in school. Is our educational system geared toward innovation? Do we want an 18th century model or a 21st century model for our schools?" - Susan Patrick U.S. Dept of Ed.

Puzzles And Educational Toys

The brain is a little like an engine, it deteriorates more rapidly through lack of use than regular use. There is nothing wrong with taking a bit of time out to merely sit and think, in fact this mild form of meditation is to be encouraged in our fast-moving world of hustle and bustle, but there is also a requirement for puzzles and educational toys that stimulate the brain whilst still being calm.

The Educational Benefits of Website Blogging

Blogs all over the world are being used for very different reasons, from social commentary to making money. Blogging thus has become a vital source of business, information and social interaction. It has also begun to be used within the teaching system, enabling interaction on educational issues outside the normal classroom experience.